Anyone who has experienced childhood trauma knows you don’t magically “get over it” when you grow up. Problems from the past can impact your well-being in adulthood and even spill over into your relationships. However, there are effective ways to deal with old traumas — and a big one is therapy. Despite some of the stigmas attached, getting help from a therapist is a winning move, not a failure. Therapy for children and adults Responses to trauma vary from person to person. Whether you feel like you’ve thoroughly responded to a traumatic event as it happens or not until long after it ends, it will most likely be a process to fully work through your experience. Children who have experienced trauma can benefit from therapy as well. However, therapy will look different for kids, adolescents, and adults. Adults are treated primarily with talk therapy. Signs you may need help dealing with childhood trauma feeling anxiety, sadness, fear, worry, anger, resent...