We’ve all seen our fair share of horror films throughout the many years of the entertainment industry, but honestly, the most fearful of these movies are those that depict the behavior and diabolical acts of psychopaths. Some films take these ideas to the extreme, and often fictitious, level; However, there are some films that show us the most vulnerable side of these psychopath behaviors like we have never seen or imagined before. So, in all of these various films that make up this genre, which film shows us the most realistic psychopathic behavior to date? Luckily for you, a group of psychiatrists has studied over 400 films, and revealing the answer. We are going to take a look at the most realistic psychopath depiction, and what makes it so genuinely frightening in this article. “And The Winner Is…”: Actually, when the studying of these many films concluded, there were three different actor portrayals that stuck out to psychiatrists, and we’re here to reveal them to you...