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Showing posts from March 10, 2021

20 Behind-the-Scenes Photos That Show Iconic Films From a New Angle

Green screens, funny costumes with motion capture sensors, stunt doubles, and tons of makeup — our favorite films and TV shows look far from being colorful and epic during the production process. And a huge team of people has to put in a lot of effort in order for viewers to see the final result. We at  Bright Side  like to learn how the magic of cinema is created, so we tried to unveil this secret process for our readers. And at the end of the article, you will find a bonus where we will show you how Jason Momoa found a common language with a bear, who was his filming partner. Gal Gadot and her more comfortable look on the set of  Wonder Woman 1984 © gal_gadot / Instagram ,  © Wonder Woman 1984 / Warner Bros. Samuel Jackson’s make-up for  Captain Marvel This is how Mark Ruffalo looks on the set of  The Avengers . © marvelrussiaofficial / Instagram ,  © The Avengers / Marvel Studios This is what the Knave of Hearts’ horse from  Alice in Wonderland  looks like. © Alice’s Adventures...

6 Times Different Actresses Portrayed the Same Characters, and It’s Hard to Tell Who Did a Better Job

Some stories, no matter if they’re fictional or real, garner so many fans that directors want to make movies about them again and again. Sometimes, they manage to make a great film that’s just as good as the one before. But they also run the risk of making mistakes by adding some inappropriate plot twists or hiring an actor that’s wrong for the role. And all their efforts vanish amid a sea of critique and negativity. We at  Bright Side  wanted to compare some films where different actresses appeared in the same roles. And it’s hard for us to decide who did a better job. Plus, in the bonus section, you’ll find a curious celebrity trio. Marie Antoinette © Marie-Antoinette reine de France / Les Films Gibé ,  © Marie Antoinette / Columbia Pictures ,  © Les Adieux à la reine / Canal+ Michèle Morgan ( Marie Antoinette Queen of France , 1956) Kirsten Dunst ( Marie Antoinette , 2006) Diane Kruger ( Farewell, My Queen , 2012) Belle © La belle et la bête / Les Films André Paulvé ,  © La belle ...

Why Is the Age of Consent in Japan Only 13-Year-Old?

i w as on Google Trends the other day seeing what was going on in the world and stumbled upon something weird happening in Japan. “The age of consent” was trending. Many red flags went up in my head. I wanted to find out why, but the answers weren’t easy to digest. The first article I read was a  2020 petition  calling for Japan to raise the age of consent. More than 50,000 people signed it calling for Japan’s legal age of consent to be raised from 13 to 16. It reads: ‘The age of consent in Japan is 13 years old. The age of consent refers to the minimum age at which a person is considered to be capable of giving consent to sexual acts.’ ‘Do you think a 13 year old teenager is capable of knowing the consequences of sexual activities and saying yes or no?’ The petition continues:  ‘Japan has been getting warnings to raise the age from international society as it is very low compared to other countries, however, the age that was enacted over 100 years ago still remains the same.’ ‘We dema...

Generating Passive Income Is Hard, Here Is a Better Option

The highest level of financial freedom is having enough passive income to cover your living expenses. If you manage to reach that point, you can spend your days doing whatever makes you happiest. If passive income is the key to financial freedom, then anyone who can enable others to generate passive income will be able to wield massive influence and make themselves wealthy. That is why the i nternet is full of spammy articles and videos , promising easy solutions to generate passive income. Here is the brutal truth about passive income. Generating enough passive income to cover your living expenses takes years, if not decades. Anyone who promises to show you how to quickly generate passive income is either trying to sell you something or has no idea what they are talking about. In this ar t icle, I explain the only way to generate passive income, why it takes so long, and an alternative to passive income that has the same impact and can be implemented immediately. There is only one sou...

10+ Celebs Recreated Their Iconic Looks, Proving That Stars Never Lose Their Shine

Seeing Reese Witherspoon bring her Elle Woods look from Legally Blonde back to life, is a blast from the past we didn’t know we needed. Not only Reese, but a few other celebrities also decided to re-create their most iconic looks from movies or galas, for our pleasure. We at  Bright Side  found 13 celebrities and their old iconic looks and would love to show you how they made them look brand new, with a special bonus at the end of the article. 1. Alicia Silverstone in 1995 and in 2018 © Clueless / Paramount Pictures ,  © Lip Sync Battle 2018 / Paramount Network The beloved Alicia Silverstone gifted us with Cher Horowitz one more time on  Lip Sync Battle  in 2018. 2. Britney Spears in 1998 and in 2017 © Britney Spears – …Baby One More Time / vevo ,  © britneyspears / Instagram While Britney was re-creating her old look, she also brought back the beloved outfit from “…Baby One More Time.” It was a pleasant surprise to see this in 2017. 3. Will Smith in 1990 and in 2017 ©...


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